window.internalTranslations = {"homePrice":"Home price","homeType.values.existing":"Existing","shouldIBuyOrRentMyHome":"Should I buy or rent my home?","breakevenTextPlural":"As from\n %breakevenYear% years<\/span> in this home,\n buying is better than renting","breakevenTextSingular":"As from\n %breakevenYear% year<\/span> in this home,\n buying is better than renting","breakevenTextNoBreakeven":"Even after\n %mortgageDuration% years<\/span> in this home,\n renting is better than buying","costExplanationTextPlural":"Cost explanation over\n %selectedYear% Years<\/span>","costExplanationTextSingular":"Cost explanation over\n %selectedYear% Year<\/span>","costOfRental.buyVsRentYearExplanation":"Renting cost (excluding\n proceeds)","remainingMortgageBalance.buyVsRentYearExplanation":"Mortgage balance","howMuchHouseCanIAfford":"How much house can I afford?","basedOnYourPersonalSituation":"Based on your personal situation:","basedOnYourPersonalSituation.affordable":"You can afford a\n %homePriceFromMortgageDownPayment%\n <\/span> home","basedOnYourPersonalSituation.maybe":"You may be able to afford a home\n up to %homePrice%<\/span>\n but you will need to negotiate with your bank a down payment below 20%\n of the home price and\/or provide additional guarantees\/collaterals","basedOnYourPersonalSituation.notPossible":"You may unfortunately not be\n able to contract a mortgage since your monthly available income is below\n \u20ac 1 200 (or \u20ac 2 000 if married). You should however contact \n your bank to assess your situation in more details","mortgageDuration.affordabilityExplanationDetails":"Duration","rentingIsBetter":"Renting is better","buyingIsBetter":"Buying is better","monthlyRent.buyVsRent":"Equivalent monthly rent","buyVsRentExtraInformation":"* This amount corresponds to your monthly\n charge for buying net of tax savings resulting from the financing of\n your home via mortgage","":"The monthly rent you expect to get for \n your home. You should enter the rent excluding monthly charges.","":"If you had previously used \n your stamp duty tax credit on another primary residence than your \n current home, enter the amount of tax credit previously used. \n This amount can not exceed \u20ac 30 000 if you are single, and \n \u20ac 60 000 if you are married. Before 2023, those amounts \n are respectively of \u20ac 20 000 and \u20ac 40 000","":"The interest rate applicable to your new mortgage\n to finance your new home.","":"The land price percentage of your current home at \n acquisition (this information can be found in the deed). The construction \n being the rest.","":"The Investment expenses correspond \n to the amount you invested in your current home to upgrade its original \n state, e.g. house extension, conversion of an attic into a living \n surface or construction of an additional bathroom.","yearSelectionExplanation":"\"Selling as investment now\" \n is only a pedagogic explanation<\/span> - as the \n tax administration will only consider your home as an investment after \n the 31st of december of the year following your move to your new home.","netCapitalGainIncreaseExplanation":"Even if your annual home value \n increase is 0% (stable sale price), your net capital gain is increasing \n because your capital gain tax is decreasing over the years of holding \n the property","taxCreditWarning":"As you acquired this property less than two years \n ago, you may have to reimburse<\/span>","taxCreditWarning.notaryFees":"the tax credit you used on notary fees","taxCreditWarning.vatOnConstruction":"the VAT on your construction","taxCreditWarning.ligature":" and ","mortgageDuration.sellVsRent":"New mortgage duration","currentFinancingRemainingPrincipal.sellVsRent":"Remaining mortgage balance","netCapitalGainToday":"Net capital gain","cumulatedNetRentalIncome.sellVsRent.graph":"Net rental income","sellVsRentIndicatorBlockLabel":"\n %yearsOfRentalToCompensate%<\/span> of net rental income","sellVsRentIndicatorBlockLabel.tooManyYears":"More than 30 years<\/span>\n of net rental income","sellVsRentIndicatorComplementaryExplanation":"to compensate the tax loss\n of not selling as a primary residence.","taxSavingsWarning":"A sale would not generate any \n taxable capital gain. This means that you have no capital gain tax \n benefit by selling today as primary residence.","yearsOfRentalToCompensate.indicators":"Rent for %yearsOfRentalToCompensate%","sellVsRentExplanation":"Excluding the potential sale price evolution, it \n will take %yearsOfRentalToCompensate%<\/span> of net \n rental income to compensate the tax loss of selling as an investment \n instead of a primary residence. Gain \n %taxSavings%<\/span> by selling today, which is the \n net capital gain difference in year 0.","sellVsRentExplanation.tooManyYears":"Excluding sale price evolution, \n it would take more than 30 years<\/span> of rental \n income to compensate the tax loss of selling as an investment instead of\n a primary residence. Gain %taxSavings%<\/span>\n by selling today, which is the net capital gain difference in year 0.","sellVsRentExplanation.noCapitalGain":"A sale would not generate any \n taxable capital gain. This means that you have no capital gain tax \n benefit by selling today as primary residence.","sellVsRentAmortizationExplanation":"If you can afford it, we nevertheless recommend selling your home and \n reinvest in a newly built property to benefit from a more favorable tax\n treatment.","sellVsRentGraphBottomText.0":"Selling as primary residence today<\/span>","sellVsRentGraphBottomText.1.year0":"Selling as investment now<\/span>","sellVsRentGraphBottomText.1":"Selling as investment in %selectedYear%<\/span>","sellVsRentResultTable.header":"Gain when selling","sellVsRentResultTableHeader.primaryResidence":"As primary residence now","sellVsRentResultTableHeader.investment":"As investment in %selectedYear%","sellVsRentResultTableHeader.investment.year0":"As investment now","cumulatedRentalIncome.sellVsRentExplanationTable":"Rental income","cumulatedInterests.sellVsRentExplanationTable":"Interests","cumulatedManagementFee.sellVsRentExplanationTable":"Management fee","cumulatedAuxiliaryCosts.sellVsRentExplanationTable":"Auxiliary costs","cumulatedTaxDueOrSavings.sellVsRentExplanationTable":"Tax due or savings","cumulatedNetRentalIncome.sellVsRentExplanationTable":"Net rental income","totalGainOrLoss.sellVsRentExplanationTable":"Gain or (loss) as an investment","monthlyCashFlowImpactOpening":"Keeping your current \n home as an investment<\/span> ","monthlyCashFlowImpactOpening.shortTermLoanEnding":"Until your current \n mortgage is fully repaid, keeping your current home \n as an investment<\/span> ","monthlyCashFlowImpact.noDebtRepayment":"will earn \n you an extra %monthlyCashFlowImpact% per month<\/span>, excluding your \n new home loan monthly repayment.","monthlyCashFlowImpact.loss":"will cost you an extra \n %monthlyCashFlowImpact% per month<\/span>, as your monthly net rental \n income of %monthlyRentalIncome% (excluding paid interests) will not \n cover your debt repayment of %currentMonthlyDebtRepayment% \n (interests and principal).","monthlyCashFlowImpact.gain":"will earn you an extra \n %monthlyCashFlowImpact% per month<\/span>, as your monthly net rental \n income of %monthlyRentalIncome% (excluding paid interests) will cover \n your debt repayment of %currentMonthlyDebtRepayment% \n (interests and principal).","mortgageImpact":"Keeping your current home as an investment will prevent\n you from using the %releasableEquity% equity locked in your home as down \n payment on your new purchase. Your mortgage on \n your new home will cost you an extra %monthlyRepaymentReduction% per \n month.<\/span>","mortgageImpact.noReleasableEquity":"As your are at loss while selling, \n without making any releasable equity, you will not be able to use \n anything as a down payment for a future loan.","totalMonthlyCosts":"Your total \n additional %totalMonthlyCostsDirection%<\/span> of keeping your current\n home as an investment will be \n %totalMonthlyCostsValue% per \n month<\/span>.","totalMonthlyCostsDirection.negative":"charge","totalMonthlyCostsDirection.positive":"benefit","taxableCapitalGain.capitalGainTax.graph":"Capital gain","investmentExpenses.capitalGainTax.graph":"Investment","noCapitalGainTaxOnLoss":"Based on this sale price, the fiscal\n administration would not consider a taxable capital gain on this\n property.","noCapitalGainTaxOnLoss.capitalGainTaxIndicators":"Sale considered a capital loss","enoughDeductions":"By selling this property, the fiscal administration\n would consider a taxable capital gain of \n %taxableCapitalGain%<\/span>.","enoughDeductions.capitalGainTaxIndicators":"You benefit from \n deductions","speculationTaxApplies":"If you sell this property less than two years\n after its purchase, the fiscal administration will consider a \n capital gain of %taxOnCapitalGain%<\/span> and will\n treat it as speculative gain.","speculationTaxApplies.capitalGainTaxIndicators":"This sale would be\n considered speculative","noCapitalGainTaxOnPrimaryResidence":"Capital gain on the sale of your\n primary residence is tax-exempt. No tax applies whatever the capital\n gain may be.","noCapitalGainTaxOnPrimaryResidence.capitalGainTaxIndicators":"Capital gain on the sale of your primary residence is tax-exempt","consideredCapitalGain":"By selling this property the fiscal\n administration would consider a taxable capital\n gain of %taxableCapitalGain%<\/span>.","remainingCapitalGainDeductionStatement":"Thanks to the deductions you\n can benefit from, you would not have to pay a capital gain tax for this\n sale. In addition, you could benefit from a \n remaining capital gain tax deduction of\n %remainingCapitalGainDeduction%<\/span> during\n the next ten years.","capitalGainTaxEconomyStatement":"Based on your personal situation, you\n would pay %taxOnCapitalGain% of taxes<\/span> \n on your sale.","noTaxOnCapitalGainStatement":"Thanks to the deductions you can benefit\n from, you would not have to pay a capital gain tax for this sale.","speculativeTaxAppliesStatement":"Since speculative gain is taxed at\n marginal income rate and no deductions apply, you would have to pay\n %taxOnCapitalGain%<\/span> of taxes on the sale\n of this property.","":"Selling after the 30th of June 2025 would cost you an extra %savingsFromSavingBefore2025%.<\/span>","savingFromSavings2025Statement.loss":"Selling after the 30th of June 2025 would save you %savingsFromSavingBefore2025%.<\/span>","capitalGainTaxImmunizationIn2024":"Until the 30th of June 2025 only, you can also fully immunize your capital gain of %attributableCapitalGain%<\/span> by reinvesting into a sustainable (A+) or social buy-to-let investment.","gradualCommissionExplanationsLabel":"To sell at \n %salePrice%<\/span> instead\n of %minPrice%<\/span>, Nexvia has a\n \n %deltaOnFeesGradual%<\/span>\n incentive while a traditional agent's incentive is only\n \n %deltaOnFeesTraditional%<\/span>.","gradualCommissionExplanationsLabelMinPrice":"Selling at \n %salePrice%<\/span>, Nexvia costs you\n %agencyFeesGradual%\n <\/span> only, a traditional agent would charge\n \n %agencyFeesTraditional%<\/span>.","agencyFees":"Agency fees*","agencyTypeTraditional":"Classic agent","agencyTypeGradual":"Nexvia","salePriceProportion":"Sale Price","gradualCommissionPromotionTitle":"Try our gradual commission","gradualCommissionTagLine1":"A high sale price","gradualCommissionTagLine2":"makes","gradualCommissionTagLine3":"half of","gradualCommissionTagLine4":"our fees","gradualCommissionTagLine5":"","gradualCommissionTagLineNote":"... and, by the way, our fees are\n lower.","vatIncluded":"*VAT of 17% included","netProceeds.gradualCommissionExplanations":"Your Gain","deltaOnFees":"Incentive","deltaOnFeesAsProportion":"Incentive","salePrice.gradualCommissionScreen":"Reference price","contactUsScrambledEmail":"uryyb@arkivn.yh","contactMe":"Call me back","contactMe.mailingList":"<\/i>","":"Be the first to receive our new properties","emailLabel.mailingList.listings.rental":"Be the first to receive our new rentals","agencyFeesRateTraditionalTemplate":"Classic agent<\/span>\n 3%<\/span>\n fixed<\/span>","agencyFeesRateGradualTemplate":"with Nexvia<\/span>\n %agencyFeesRateGradual%<\/span>\n gradual<\/span>","gradualCommissionComparisonSellingAt":"%salePrice%<\/span>sale price","gradualCommissionComparisonExplanations":"We only get a 3% commission if\n we get the highest price<\/span> for your home.","homeAppraisalExplainerLocation":"Your property location","homeAppraisalExplainerCharacteristics":"Up to 35 characteristics","homeAppraisalExplainerHomeAndYou":"A little information about you","homeAppraisalExplainerRealEstateData":"The latest data from the\n Observatoire de l'Habitat","homeAppraisalExplainerModel":"Nexvia's proprietary model","homeAppraisalExplainerAppraisalResult":"Your free online home\n appraisal","homeAppraisalExplainerStartButton":"Start my appraisal","homeAppraisalShouldOfferSwitchToValuationBroker":"You are connected from a professional email address.\n\nDo you want to switch to Nexvia's professional valuation portal?","homeAndYou.description":"\n

Important Information<\/span><\/p>\n

Free service<\/span>: You can evaluate up\n to 20 homes properties' prices or rents per month.<\/p>\n

Confidentiality<\/span>: Your personal details and\n data will not be transmitted to third parties, unless authorised by\n you.<\/p>\n

No commitment<\/span>: With Nexvia, you can\n unsubscribe from our mailing list easily and at any time.<\/p>\n

Professionals<\/span>: If you wish to have open\n access to our tools for your business activity, please contact\n us.<\/p>","physicalAppraisalDemonstrationDocumentUrl":"https:\/\/\/nexvia-static\/site\/appraisal-demonstration-en.pdf","physicalAppraisalDemonstrationDocument":"View a sample physical\n appraisal report","lookingToSellTitle1":"Looking for professional advice to sell\n your home?","lookingToSellText1p1":"Nexvia team will be happy to come and visit\n your home, refine its market valuation and explain you in details Nexvia's\n approach and terms to assist you in your transaction.","lookingToSellText1p2":"Click on the preferred days & times below and\n Nexvia team will rapidly contact you to fix a day and time with you.","lookingToSellText1p3":"Otherwise\n call us at +352 54 55 80 680<\/a>.","mortgageBalanceAndHomeEquity":"Mortgage balance & home equity","annualRateOfReturnOnSavings":"Annual rate of return on savings","":"This is what you can\n earn on the savings you make from this situation to the other. For\n instance, the return you can earn by investing your money when renting\n instead of spending it in a down payment when buying","":"This is what you can\n earn on the savings you make from this situation to the other. For\n instance, the return you can earn by investing your money when renting\n instead of spending it in a down payment when buying","homeAppraisalLuxuryPropertyFormConfirmationTitle":"We are ready","homeAppraisalLuxuryPropertyFormConfirmationButton":"Get your result","accessMyAppraisal.price":"Access my appraisal","":"Access my estimate","appraisalReady.price":"Your appraisal will be ready soon!","":"Your rent estimate will be ready soon!","appraisalReadyDescription.price":"Enter the activation code we just sent you to access your home appraisal","":"Enter the activation code we just sent you to access your rent estimate","":"Check out the %numberOfListings% properties \n we sold in this area<\/span>!","":"Check out the %numberOfListings% properties \n we rented in this area<\/span>!","seeSoldListings":"View all","luxuryPropertyResultTitle":"By law, %maximumMonthlyRent%<\/span> is your maximum monthly rent<\/span>.","luxuryPropertyResultSubtitle":"Let us help you rent at the best possible value.","weWillCallBack":"We will call you back shortly","currentRent":"Current monthly rent","":"The Current monthly rent being paid or considered for this\n property. The law has different thresholds depending on the property \n type","luxuryPropertyResult":"Rent cap","luxuryPropertyResultSummary":"%maximumMonthlyRent% is your maximum monthly rent","callToActions":"Actions","nearbyListings":"Nearby listings","businessIntelligenceViewer":"Business intelligence","callToActionRequestPhysicalAppraisalButtonTitle":"Physical valuation","callToActionRequestPhysicalAppraisalButtonDescription":"by our expert adviser %advisorFirstName%, for free","callToActionRequestPhysicalAppraisalButtonDescription.missingAdvisor":"by one of our expert advisers, for free","callToActionRequestPhysicalAppraisalFooterNote":"%advisorFirstName% will contact you shortly<\/span>","callToActionRequestPhysicalAppraisalFooterNote.missingAdvisor":"One ouf our adviser will contact you shortly<\/span>","":"Estimate the value","":"Estimate the rent","":"for the sale of this property","":"for this property","callToActionLuxuryFormButtonTitle":"Maximum rent","callToActionLuxuryFormDescription":"you can legally fix","callToActionContactUsButtonTitle":"Contact us","":"to get help selling your property at the best price","":"to get help setting up the best lease","cookiesWarning":"By continuing to browse, you accept the use\n of cookies to enhance your user experience.\n Know more<\/a>","likeOnFacebook":"Promote Nexvia by liking our Facebook page","totalAcquisitionPrice.acquisitionIndicators":"Total Price","formArrowTitle":"1 - Simulator","resultArrowTitle":"2 - Result","gradualCommission":"Gradualcommission","googleMaps":"Google Maps","streetView":"Street View","appraisalAlreadyActivated":"\u2713 This valuation has been activated.","appraisalUserLink":"User view","appraisalNotActivated":"This valuation has not been activated.","appraisalActivate":"Activate","appraisalActivateWarning":"This will trigger an email to the user.","hasRequestedPhysicalAppraisal":"This user has requested a physical valuation.","hasRequestedAndCanceledPhysicalAppraisal":"This user has requested then canceled a physical valuation.","advisorValuation.price":"Your valuation","":"Your rent estimate","teamValuations":"Advisors valuations","manageAppraisalNoExpertValuation":"We have yet to evaluate this property","userShouldEvaluateProperty":"You have yet to value this property","otherAppraisalToValuate":"Here is another appraisal that \n you could value!","sendExpertValuation":"Submit","back":"Back","valuationRegistrationFailed":"Something went wrong!","contactRequestSuccess":"\u2713 It's in the system! <\/span> \n We will reach out within 12 working hours.","contactRequestSuccess.mailingList":"\u2713<\/span>  Thank you for subscribing.","contactRequestError":"Something wrong happened and ... more scary ... we do not know why.","returnRateEvolutionLabelTemplate":"You will get a yearly \n %internalReturnRate%<\/span> return over\n %selectedYear% with an initial investment of \n %downPaymentAmount%<\/span>.","investmentReturnDetailsTitleTemplate":"Investment over %selectedYear%","investmentReturnCashFlowsLabel":"Annual cash flows excluding down payment","investmentReturnCashFlowsTooltipTemplate":"Cash flow: %cashFlow%\n Net cash flow: %netCashFlow%","investmentReturnMobilePreviewLabelTemplate":"After \n %optimalYear%","internalReturnRate.investmentReturnIndicators":"IRR","investedAmount":"35833425","investmentReturnContactFormText":"

You want to make a hassle-free \n buy-to-let investment?<\/p>\n \n

To date, our customers have successfully invested\n %investedAmount%<\/span>.<\/p>\n \n

Work with Nexvia to benefit from the \n expertise and assistance<\/span>\n provided by our advisers!<\/p>\n ","showInvestmentAndLeverage":"Investment","showRent":"Net revenues from rent","showSale":"Net proceeds from sale","showYear0":"Down payment","cashFlow.year0":"Initial cash flow","showCashFlows":"Cash flows","totalInvestmentRawExpenses":"Investment (excl. mortgage)","finderManagementFees":"Project fees","mortgageClosingRegistration":"Mortgage registration","mortgageClosingRegistrationStampDuty":"Mortgage stamp duty","mortgageTotalCost":"Mortgage cost","cashOnCash":"Cash-on-cash","":"The Acquisition price to indicate here excludes\n the registration fees and the notary fees that are automatically\n estimated by our calculator. For off-plan and new property types, the\n acquisition price should include the 17% VAT applicable on the\n construction part","":"The percentage indicated next to the Monthly Rent is\n the gross yearly yield calculated on the investment amount, i.e.\n acquisition price + renovation costs + investment expenses + \n kitchen and cupboards (if applicable)","":"The Property price evolution is the\n yearly projected increase or decrease in property prices over the\n investment period. You should enter here your long-term expectation of\n the Luxembourg property price evolution","":"Your Taxable revenues correspond to your gross\n salaries (after deduction of the social charges) and all your other\n revenues reduced by applicable deductions based on your personal\n situation. In case you are married or partners, please indicate here the\n collectively taxable revenues of the couple","":"The Down payment corresponds to your investment in\n cash (with your own funds) at the start of the buy-to-let investment.\n It also includes the stamp duty, the notary fees and the kitchen\n & cupboards' costs (if applicable)","legalConsent":"By using our service you certify that you have read and \n agree with \n our\n terms & conditions<\/a> and\n our\n privacy policy<\/a>, \n this policy also details what use we make of your personal data.","confirmAccessToTemplate":"Connect to\n %targetHost%<\/span>","":"Get my estimate","covid19Warning":"In the light of the Covid-19 situation, \n we suggest that you be cautious with the result of our valuation \n system. Currently, it takes into account the latest public statistics.","":"You must type in the customer directory name.\n This field's suggestions come from Pipedrive (\"Physical visit done\" and \"Valuation requested\"). They might be wrong or incomplete","viewDocument":"View","cancel":"Cancel","duplicate":"Duplicate","retryPopupMessage":"Do you really want to generate the valuation report for \"%directoryName%\" once more?","contentDataMergeTitle":"Automatic content generation","contentDataMergerConnexionError":"No connexion from the data merger worker","contentDataMergerConnexionError.connexionDelay":"No connexion from the data merger worker since the %lastConnectedAt%","contentDataMergerLoadMore":"Load more","contentDataMergeType.valuationReport":"Valuation","contentDataMergeType.rentalReport":"Rental","similarAppraisalsTitle":"Similar appraisals by this user","similarAppraisals":"View similar (%similarAppraisalCount%)","electricityMonthlyCost":"Electricity","heatingMonthlyCost":"Heating","waterMonthlyCost":"Water","coownershipMonthlyCost":"Co-ownership","pvc":"PVC","pvcAluminium":"PVC \/ Aluminium","wood":"Wood","woodAluminium":"Wood \/ Aluminium","woodPvc":"Wood \/ PVC","aluminium":"Aluminium","other":"Other","singleGlazing":"Simple glazing","doubleGlazing":"Double glazing","tripleGlazing":"Triple glazing","expertValuationCard":"Experts valuation","traitsCard":"Strengths \/ Weaknesses","propertyCard":"Property","chargesCard":"Monthly charges","chargesCardSummary":"Total: %totalCharges%","energyCard":"Energy","locationCard":"Location","externalLinksCard":"External links","similarPropertyCommentTemplate":"Adviser's comment: <\/span>%comment%","propertyOtherCommentsTemplate":"Adviser's comment: <\/span>%comment%","similarProperty":"Similar property","viewSimilarProperty":"View on %website%<\/span>","advisorToolsCard":"Tools","headerInformationCard":"General information","characteristicsCard":"Characteristics","appointmentCalendarFiltersExamples":"Here are some filters with content","nxfront\/isnumeric\/notnumeric":"The value must be numeric","nxfront\/isbetween\/notBetween":"The value must be between $0 and $1","nxfront\/isbetween\/notBetween.consistency":"The value you entered does not\n seem standard. Are you sure it is #value?","nxfront\/isbetween\/notBetween.consistency.amount.expertValuation":"This value is a lot different from the one from our model. Do you \n confirm #value?","nxfront\/ispositive\/notPositive":"The value must be positive","nxfront\/isgreaterthan\/notGreaterThan":"The value must be greater than $0","nxfront\/islessthan\/notLessThan":"The value must be less than $0","nxfront\/islongerthan\/notLongerThan":"The value must be more than $0 characters long","nxfront\/isint\/notint":"This should be an integer","nxfront\/matchesregex\/donotmatch":"This format is incorrect","nxfront\/isphonenumber\/notaphonenumber":"This is not a valid european mobile phone number","nxfront\/email\/notanemail":"This is not a valid email","nxfront\/notanemailoraphonenumber":"This is not a valid email or \n a valid european mobile phone number","nxfront\/postalcodenotin\/in":"We could not find a result from this","nxfront\/lengthequal\/notequal":"This should be $0 characters long","nxfront\/activationtokennotin\/in":"This activation code is invalid","nxfront\/notempty\/empty":"This should not be empty","nxfront\/noleadingortrailingspace\/leadingortrailingspaces":"There should be no leading or trailing space.","nxfront\/ischecked\/notchecked":"This has to be checked","validator\/isin\/notInArray.segmentedSelect.appraisalHomeType":"

We do not support online land valuation \n yet.<\/p>\n

However we can assist you in your sale.<\/p>\n Land the best deal<\/a><\/div>","nxfront\/isemailchain\/notanemailchain":"Should be in the form: mail1, mail2, ...","nxfront\/notemptyarray\/isemptyarray":"At least one document must be selected","nxfront\/nospace\/spaces":"There must not be any space","nxfront\/validfiletype\/invalidfiletype":"File: #value. Only the following file types are supported: $0.","nxfront\/validfilesize\/invalidfilesize":"File: #value. Please upload a file that is less than $0.","yourInformation":"Your information","acquisitionCosts":"Acquisition costs","homeAcquisitionStampDuty":"Stamp duty","homeAcquisitionNotaryFees":"Notary fees","homeAcquisitionOtherCharges":"Other notary charges","mortgageClosingStampDuty":"Stamp duty","mortgageClosingNotaryFees":"Notary fees","mortgageClosingNotaryFees.investmentReturnDetails":"Mortgage notary fees","mortgageClosingOtherCharges":"Other notary charges","mortgageClosingOneOffBankingCharge":"Banking charge","propertyChargesMaintenanceAndRepair":"Property charges & maintenance","propertyTaxAndCommunalCharges":"Property tax & communal charges","remainingMortgageBalance":"Mortgage balance","personsInHousehold":"Person(s) in household","sellingCost":"Agency fee","sellingCost.buyVsRent":"Selling cost (agency fee)","sellingCost.investmentReturn":"Selling cost (agency fee)","rentalAgencyFeesInMonthsOfRent":"Agency fee","mortgageDownPayment":"Down payment","sellingCostPercentage":"Agency fee","sellingCostPercentage.buyVsRent":"Selling cost (agency fee)","sellingCostPercentage.investmentReturn":"Selling cost (agency fee)","securityDepositInMonthsOfRent":"Security deposit","rentalAgencyFees":"Agency fee","totalRentalUpfrontCosts":"Upfront costs","costOfRentalIncludingProceeds":"Renting cost (including proceeds)","costOfRentalIncludingProceeds.buyVsRentChart":"Renting cost","costOfBuying":"Buying cost (excluding proceeds)","costOfBuyingIncludingProceeds":"Buying cost (including proceeds)","buyingExcludingProceeds":"Buying(excluding proceeds)","buyingIncludingProceeds":"Buying(including proceeds)","returnFromCostSavingsRentNetOfBuyEndOfYear":"Return from cost savings","returnFromCostSavingsBuyNetOfRentEndOfYear":"Return from cost savings","interest":"Interests","mortgagePaymentPerMonth":"Monthly mortgage payment","maxHomePrice":"Home price","oldestBorrowersAge":"Oldest borrower's age","yearlyIncome":"Taxable revenues","":"Your taxable revenues corresponds to your annual gross salaries \n (after deduction of the social charges) and all your other revenues \n reduced by applicable deductions based on your personal situation.\n In case you are married or partners, please indicate here the\n collectively annual taxable revenues of the couple","":"If you have owned property in Luxembourg in the past you are not\n eligible anymore to a first time buyer status, you should indicate that\n you already own property","insuranceTaxDeductionCurrentUsage":"Insurance deduction usage","":"This amount corresponds to the current sum of the annual deductible\n premiums paid on insurance contracts like civil liability, life, \n health, ... This amount is capped to \u20ac 672 per household person","":"This amount corresponds to the renovation works and\/or kitchen price \n to be included in the financing project","":"Off-plan corresponds to a \"Vente en \u00c9tat Futur d'Ach\u00e8vement\" (VEFA)","":"Personal savings used in the project","":"The mortgage insurance protects the survivor or the heirs in case\n of the borrowers's death","insurancePayment":"Insurance payment","":"The payment can be a single premium or an annual premium","":"This rate represents your assumption regarding the evolution of \n variable rates over the financing period. It can be negative, null or\n positive","":"Estimated holding duration until the resale of the property. If you\n plan on holding this property until the end of the financing, the value \n to input is 0","revisableRate":"Revisable fixed rate","":"Rate applied during the initial fixed period of \n your revisable loan","revisablePeriod":"Revisable fixed rate period","":"Initial period during which the revisable loan \n rate is fixed","homeSavingsSchemePreFinancingRate":"Home savings pre financing rate","":"The loan rate on which only interests will be paid during the first \n phase of the financing (the bullet loan). \n Read more about home saving\n schemes<\/a>","homeSavingsSchemePreFinancingType":"Home savings pre financing type","homeSavingsSchemeSavingProportion":"Requested savings","":"Percentage of subscribed capital to be saved to be eligible to the\n home savings loan","homeSavingsSchemeSavingRate":"Savings interest rate","":"Return rate applied on the savings balance","homeSavingsSchemeSavingFinalLendingRate":"Home savings rate","":"Prime rate applied during the lending phase of the home savings \n scheme. Read more about home \n saving schemes<\/a>","totalAcquisitionPrice.affordabilityExplanationDetails":"To finance","":"The down payment is the initial payment when you buy\n your home on credit. If you enter a 100% down payment, this means you\n will buy the home cash","":"Personal savings used in the project","":"Personal savings used in the \n project. This may include the equity from the sale of your current \n primary residence you would inject in the project","":"If you have already used your stamp duty\n tax credit (fully or in part) on a previous primary residence\n acquisition, enter the amount of tax credit already used. The amount\n can not exceed \u20ac 30 000 if you are single, this threshold \n doubles if you are two buyers. In 2024, the amount per head\n is brought to \u20ac 40 000 ; investors purchasing off-plan \n property benefits of \u20ac 20 000 per buyer.","":"Inflation is the rate at which prices for goods and\n services is rising over the analysed period. You should enter here your\n long-term expectation of the inflation rate in Luxembourg.","":"Annual Home Value Increase is the yearly\n projected increase or decrease in property prices over the analysed\n period. You should enter here your long-term expectation of the\n Luxembourg property price evolution","":"Upfront costs correspond to the down payment plus\n the acquisition costs for this home (i.e. the home acquisition costs\n and the mortgage closing costs)","":"The marginal income tax rate is the tax rate\n you pay on the highest tranche of your annual income net of social \n contributions and other applicable deductions. You can\n choose your marginal tax rate from the below table. When married, the\n effective tax rate is applied to your total annual income (i.e. the\n couple income) based on twice the income tranche referred below\n
From<\/td>*Marginal rate<\/td><\/tr><\/thead>
\u20ac13 250<\/td>8.56%<\/td><\/tr>
\u20ac15 450<\/td>9.7%<\/td><\/tr>
\u20ac17 650<\/td>10.7%<\/td><\/tr>
\u20ac19 850<\/td>11.77%<\/td><\/tr>
\u20ac22 100<\/td>12.84%<\/td><\/tr>
\u20ac24 300<\/td>14.98%<\/td><\/tr>
\u20ac26 600<\/td>17.12%<\/td><\/tr>
\u20ac28 850<\/td>19.26%<\/td><\/tr>
\u20ac31 150<\/td>21.4%<\/td><\/tr>
\u20ac33 450<\/td>23.54%<\/td><\/tr>
\u20ac35 750<\/td>25.68%<\/td><\/tr>
\u20ac38 050<\/td>27.82%<\/td><\/tr>
\u20ac40 350<\/td>29.96%<\/td><\/tr>
\u20ac42 650<\/td>32.1%<\/td><\/tr>
\u20ac44 950<\/td>34.24%<\/td><\/tr>
\u20ac47 250<\/td>36.38%<\/td><\/tr>
\u20ac49 550<\/td>38.52%<\/td><\/tr>
\u20ac51 800<\/td>40.66%<\/td><\/tr>
\u20ac54 100<\/td>41.73%<\/td><\/tr>
\u20ac117 500<\/td>42.8%<\/td><\/tr>
\u20ac150 000<\/td>43.6%<\/td><\/tr>
\u20ac176 200<\/td>44.69%<\/td><\/tr>
\u20ac234 900<\/td>45.78%<\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table> *includes the employment fund surcharge","":"Persons in Household is the number of\n persons in the household including parents and children","":"Interest subsidies apply when the employer\n provides financial support in connection with mortgage interests that\n the employee pays to a third-party institution. Usually, the interest\n subsidies are paid out of the annual bonus of the employee. Tax-exempt\n interest subsidies are limited to \u20ac 3 000 for singles\n and \u20ac 6 000 for married couples or singles with dependent children","":"The equivalent monthly rent is the rent\n you will pay for a home equivalent to the one you can buy. You should\n enter the rent excluding monthly charges","":"Annual rent increase is the yearly projected\n increase in rent prices over the analysed period. You should enter here\n your long-term expectation of the Luxembourg rent price evolution","":"The annual rate of return on savings\n is the yearly projected interest\/financial return you can receive from\n your bank or financial institution on your investments. You should enter\n here your long-term expectation of annual rate of return on savings","":"Buying (excluding proceeds) is the cost of buying\n this home over the analysed period without considering its value and the\n net proceeds you could realise by selling this property","":"Buying (including proceeds) is the\n cost of buying this house over the analysed period considering the net\n proceeds you could realise by selling this property. If the cost of \n buying including proceeds is negative, this means that you have done \n very well and that the net gain you made out of your home exceeds the \n total cost of buying over the analysed period","":"Monthly income is the household after tax monthly\n income including salaries, rents and other recurring revenues. \n This includes any received alimony","":"Monthly debt charge is your monthly debt\n payments relative to buy-to-let loans, car loans and student loans, as\n well as family charges (child support, alimony, nursery and school \n fees) but excluding current mortgage payment, unless you make this \n simulation to estimate your capacity to make a buy-to-let investment","":"Monthly family charge corresponds to child\n support, alimony, nursery and school fees","":"This amount correponds to the stamp duty\n (registration + transcription), notary fees and other ancilliary charges\n and taxes directly related to the acquisition of this home","":"This amount correponds to the stamp duty\n (registration + transcription), notary fees and other ancilliary charges\n and taxes directly related to the acquisition of this home","":"This amount correponds to the stamp duty\n (registration + inscription), notary fees and other ancillary charges\n and taxes directly related to the mortgage contracted for this home\n acquisition","":"The cash reserve corresponds to the amount we\n believe is necessary to have on top of the upfront costs to comfortably\n engage into this home acquisition and face any unforseen event. We\n believe a comfortable cash reserve to be 3 months of mortgage payment","reevaluationAmount":"Reevaluation","heldProportion":"Percentage held","taxOnCapitalGain":"Capital gain tax","savingsFromSavingBefore2025":"Savings from selling now","remainingCapitalGainDeduction":"Remaining Capital Gain Deduction","":"The Acquisition Price corresponds to the price\n mentioned on the acquisition deed of the property. The Acquisition Price\n to indicate here excludes the registration fees and the notary fees that\n are automatically estimated by our calculator","":"Your Taxable Revenues correspond to your gross\n salaries (after deduction of the social charges) and all your other\n revenues reduced by applicable deductions based on your personal\n situation. They should however exclude the estimated capital gain on\n the property resulting from this calculator. In case you are married or\n partners, please indicate here the collectively taxable revenues of\n the couple","":"A lump-sum deduction of \u20ac 50 000 for single taxpayers and \u20ac 100 000 for jointly taxpayers apply every 10 years. In case you have not yet used or fully used this lump-sum deduction in the last 10 years, you can benefit from it on the sale of this property. Please indicate here the lump-sum deduction you are entitled to on the basis of your personal situation","computedCapitalGainDeduction":"Capital gain deduction","":"A lump-sum deduction of \u20ac 50 000 for single taxpayers and \u20ac 100 000 for jointly taxpayers apply every 10 years. In case you have not yet used or fully used this lump-sum deduction in the last 10 years, you can benefit from it on the sale of this property. Please indicate here the lump-sum deduction you are entitled to on the basis of your personal situation","":"In case you are co-owner of the property or that you \n are several heirs of a property inherited, indicate here your quota\n share of ownership in the property","appraiseOnline.price":"Unsure about price?","appraiseOnline.price.salePrice":"Unsure about sale price?","":"Unsure about rent?","contactUsLabel":"Curious to know more?","location.long":"Location of home to appraise","characteristics.long":"Home characteristics","homeAndYou.long":"This home & you","property.long":"Property details","luxuryProperty.long":"Rent limit","location.short":"Location","characteristics.short":"Characteristics","homeAndYou.short":"Home & you","property.short":"Property","luxuryProperty.short":"Rent limit","addressPostalCode":"Postcode, street or locality","addressStreet":"Street","addressStreetNumber":"Street number","addressNeighborhood":"Neighbourhood","appraisalHomeType":"Home type","generalQualityOfHome.homeAppraisalHomeTypeHouse":"General quality of house","generalQualityOfHome.homeAppraisalHomeTypeApartment":"General quality of apartment","":"\"Minor renovation works\" covers the \n renovation of a single room or of a limited set of elements, such as \n replacing the windows for example. \"Superior\" indicates an \n above standard quality of finishing in terms of amenities or material \n quality.","":"\"Minor renovation works\" covers the \n renovation of a single room or of a limited set of elements, such as \n replacing the windows for example. \"Superior\" indicates an \n above standard quality of finishing in terms of amenities or material \n quality.","":"Impactful elements: the potential obstruction of \n view \/ overlooking, the width of the openings, the property orientation \n and the rooms layout.","appraisalType":"Valuation type","appraisalType.homeAppraisalInformationMainArea":"A first valuation is at reach! You can fill ten extra inputs to get\n a more precise result. How would you like your valuation?","areaSurface":"Living area","areaSurface.homeAppraisalInformationMainArea.homeAppraisalHomeTypeApartment":"Living area in sqm (excluding balcony and terrace)","areaSurface.homeAppraisalInformationMainArea.homeAppraisalHomeTypeHouse":"Living area in sqm (excluding basement, attic, terrace...)","numberOfBedrooms":"Number of bedroom(s)","numberOfBathrooms":"Number of bathroom(s)","":"Does not include toilets","numberOfIndoorGarages":"Number of indoor garage(s) \/ parking lot(s)","numberOfOutdoorParkingLots":"Number of outdoor parking lot(s)","balconyAreaSurface":"Balcony surface area in sqm","terraceAreaSurface":"Terrace surface area in sqm","gardenAreaSurface":"Garden surface area in sqm","numberOfCellars":"Number of cellar(s)","floor":"Apartment floor","":"Unobstructed","numberOfFloorsInBuilding":"Number of floor(s) in building","numberOfFloorsInBuilding.homeAppraisalInformationMainArea":"Number of floor(s) in building (excluding groundfloor)","closeEnvironmentToNeighbourhood":"Close environment","":"Impactful elements: \n architectural quality and coherence, shops, restaurants, schools, \n kindergartens, incivilities","closeEnvironmentToNeighbourhood.homeAppraisalInformationMainArea.homeAppraisalHomeTypeApartment.luxembourgCity":"In comparison to your neighbourhood, how would you qualify the close\n environment of the building?","closeEnvironmentToNeighbourhood.homeAppraisalInformationMainArea.homeAppraisalHomeTypeApartment.otherCity":"In comparison to your municipality, how would you qualify the close\n environment of the building?","closeEnvironmentToNeighbourhood.homeAppraisalInformationMainArea.homeAppraisalHomeTypeHouse.luxembourgCity":"In comparison to your neighbourhood, how would you\n qualify the close environment of your house?","closeEnvironmentToNeighbourhood.homeAppraisalInformationMainArea.homeAppraisalHomeTypeHouse.otherCity":"In comparison to your municipality, how would you qualify the close\n environment of your house?","qualityOfTheBuildingToNeighbourhood.homeAppraisalInformationMainArea.homeAppraisalHomeTypeApartment.luxembourgCity":"Quality of the building in comparison to the neighbourhood","qualityOfTheBuildingToNeighbourhood.homeAppraisalInformationMainArea.homeAppraisalHomeTypeApartment.otherCity":"Quality of the building in comparison to the municipality","qualityOfTheBuildingToNeighbourhood.homeAppraisalInformationMainArea.homeAppraisalHomeTypeHouse.luxembourgCity":"Quality of the house in comparison to the neighbourhood","qualityOfTheBuildingToNeighbourhood.homeAppraisalInformationMainArea.homeAppraisalHomeTypeHouse.otherCity":"Quality of the house in comparison to the municipality","qualityOfTheBuildingToNeighbourhood.homeAppraisalHomeTypeHouse":"General quality of the home to neighborhood","":"Impactful elements: style, construction year, services in the \n property","qualityOfTheBuildingToNeighbourhood.homeAppraisalInformationItem.homeAppraisalHomeTypeApartment.otherCity":"Quality of the building to municipality","qualityOfTheBuildingToNeighbourhood.homeAppraisalInformationItem.homeAppraisalHomeTypeHouse.otherCity":"Quality of the house to municipality","qualityOfTheBuildingToNeighbourhood.homeAppraisalInformationItem.homeAppraisalHomeTypeApartment.luxembourgCity":"Quality of the building to neighbourhood","qualityOfTheBuildingToNeighbourhood.homeAppraisalInformationItem.homeAppraisalHomeTypeHouse.luxembourgCity":"Quality of the house to neighbourhood","generalQualityOfTheCommonAreas":"General quality of the common parts","":"Impactful elements: general \n cleanliness, need for fixes, laundry room, letterboxes.","generalQualityOfTheCommonAreas.homeAppraisalInformationMainArea":"General quality of the common parts of the building","numberOfLivingSpaces":"Number of living space stories","numberOfLivingSpaces.homeAppraisalInformationMainArea":"Number of living\n space stories (including groundfloor)","":"After five years, we do not consider the roof as \"New\"","":"If district heating, select \"Gas\"","basementAreaSurface":"Basement surface area in sqm","parcelSurface.homeAppraisalInformationMainArea":"Parcel surface in sqm\n (including house \/ 1 are = 100 sqm)","fullyRenovated.homeAppraisalInformationMainArea":"House fully renovated\n and modernised","generalQualityOfTheBuildingFacade":"General quality of the building\n facade","":"Impactful elements: last \n renovation date, humidity, stains left over time","propertyPurpose.homeAppraisalInformationMainArea":"This home is a","propertyPurpose.homeAppraisalInformationItem":"This home is a","propertyPurpose.capitalGainTax":"Property type","":"Select \"Inheritance\" only in case\n that you inherited this property in direct line (i.e. from your parents\n or one or your parents), that the property has been the last principal\n residence of your parent(s) and that you have not yet benefitted from\n the lump-sum deduction applicable on the sale of a property inherited in\n direct line. If the property inherited does not fulfil the above\n criteria, please select \"Secondary Residence\"","yourHome":"Your property","yourHome.homeAppraisalInformationMainArea":"Do you own this property?","homeType.homeAppraisalInformationMainArea":"This home is","planningToSell.homeAppraisalInformationMainArea":"Are you considering selling this property?","planningToRent.homeAppraisalInformationMainArea":"Are you considering renting this property?","proceedingToSell":"How are you proceeding?","whyDoYouEvaluate":"Why do you evaluate?","whyDoYouEvaluate.homeAppraisalInformationMainArea":"Why evaluating","whyDoYouEvaluateRent.homeAppraisalInformationMainArea":"Why evaluating","latestNews":"Alert me when property prices are updated and when \n Nexvia has news","latestProperties":"Alert me when new properties are listed","offersFromPartners":"I wish to receive the best offers from Nexvia\n partners","mobilePhoneNumber.homeAppraisalInformationMainArea":"Mobile phone number\n (an SMS activation code will be sent to access your appraisal)","getMyAppraisal.price":"Get my appraisal","continueWithoutAdjusting":"Continue without adjusting","emphyteuticLeaseType":"Ownership type","emphyteuticLeaseRemainingYears":"Remaining duration","":"Full ownership","":"Indicate \"sale\" whether it is a sale\n agreement, a reservation agreement or notary deeds","":"This value will have no impact on your valuation","indicativeValuePerSquareMeter":"Value\/sqm","indicativeValuePerSquareMeterMid":"Value\/sqm","comfortIndex":"Confidence index","":"indoor + outdoor","unloadMessage":"You have input some data on this form. Are you sure\n you want to leave?","clickToEdit":"Click below to edit your information","tooBigParcel":"Due to the large size of this parcel, our online home\n valuation tool may not accurately value this house. We recommend you not\n to rely exclusively on our online valuation and to proceed to a physical\n inspection of this house.","tooBigAreaSurface":"Due to the large size of this house, our online home\n valuation tool may not accurately value this house. We recommend you not\n to rely exclusively on our online valuation and to proceed to a physical\n inspection of this house. ","tooBigParcelAndAreaSurface":"Due to the large size of this house and\n parcel, our online home valuation tool may not accurately value this\n house. We recommend you not to rely exclusively on our online valuation\n and to proceed to a physical inspection of this house.","years.formatYears":"years","requestALoan":"Request a mortgage","years":"years","year":"year","exitYear":"Holding period","annualHomeValueIncrease.investmentReturn":"Property price evolution","investmentPropertyType":"Property type","renovationAmortizationDuration":"Renovation amortisation duration","finderManagementFeesPercentage":"Project fee","rentManagementFeesPercentage":"Management fee","downPaymentAmount":"Down payment","importantFieldsLabel":"including","internalReturnRate":"Internal rate of return","lowestCashFlow":"Low cash flow","maintenanceAndRepair":"Maintenance and repairs","":"Maintenance and repairs are expenses that\n maintained the property. For example, a painting job or laying a new\n flooring","salePrice.sellVsRent":"Expected sale price","monthlyRent.sellVsRent":"Expected rent","":"Off-plan corresponds to a \"Vente en \u00c9tat Futur d'Ach\u00e8vement\" (VEFA), New corresponds to a newly constructed property (ready to let) bought from the developer, Existing corresponds to properties that are older than 5 years or 6 years (the ones that do not benefit from the accelerated depreciation scheme anymore). For more specific scenarios, contact us!","":"The Leverage is the percentage of the investment you\n finance through debt. The investment amount includes the acquisition\n price, the renovation costs & the investment expenses (when applicable\n for existing properties). It is assumed in our calculator that the stamp\n duty, the notary fees and the kitchen & cupboards' costs (applicable to\n off-plan and new properties) are directly paid by the investor (and\n included in the down payment)","":"The Tax class depends on your marital status. Class 1\n is for single persons, class 2 is for married persons as well as civil\n partners (under certain conditions), class 1a is for single persons with\n children as well as single taxpayers aged at least 65 on 1 January of\n the tax year","":"The In fine loan share corresponds to part of the\n loan you obtain to finance the acquisition on which you will only pay\n the interest. The capital due at the end of this loan will hence remain\n the same. In fine recourse improves the cash flows to the investor\n during the investment period","":"Kitchen and cupboards correspond to the\n amount you pay for installing a new kitchen and new cupboards (if\n applicable). In case of furnished rental, you can also include here\n the price paid for new furniture","":"The Investment expenses correspond to the\n amount you invest in the property to upgrade its original state, e.g.\n house extension, conversion of an attic into a living surface or\n construction of an additional bathroom","":"Renovation corresponds to the amount you invest in the\n property to enhance its current state, e.g. reparation works, change of\n old tiling or wooden flooring, bathroom renovation, painting","":"The Project fee is the amount you\n pay to an adviser to invest in a buy-to-let property in a hassle-free\n manner and with all the care, assistance and advice necessary to make an\n informed and successful investment. At Nexvia, our one-stop shop\n investment solution entails tailored and detailed financial simulations,\n identification and presentation of the investment opportunities\n (including off-market), advice for the ideal financial structuring\n according to your objectives and overall supervision of the project\n (including construction supervision for off-plan apartments). The\n project fee corresponds to a percentage of the Acquisition Price in our\n model","":"The Management fee is the property management fee\n applicable if you choose to fully outsource the management of the\n buy-to-let investment during the rental period. The management\n fee corresponds to a percentage of the rents paid by the tenant","":"A negative Cumulated cash flow corresponds to\n the savings required by the investor during the investment period\n (excluding the down payment) to finance the buy-to-let\n investment. A positive cumulated cash flow corresponds to the revenues\n generated by the investor during the investment period","":"A negative Cumulated net cash flow\n corresponds the savings required (after tax) by the\n investor during the investment period (excluding the down payment) to\n finance the buy-to-let investment. A positive cumulated net cash flow\n corresponds to the net revenues (after tax) generated\n by the investor during the investment period","":"For off-plan and new properties achieved after 2020, we take the\n assumption of a 5% accelerated amortisation rate.\n Please note that this amortisation rate falls to 4% for\n households where the accelerated amortisation basis is above\n 1 000 000\u20ac ; this limit is doubled if you are married or under\n partnership","":"The Net proceeds from sale are the money\n obtained at the sale of the property after repayment of the remaining\n loan balance, payment of the capital gain tax (if applicable) and\n payment of the selling cost (agency fee)","":"The Internal rate of return is the rate of\n return on own funds that will be earned on the buy-to-let investment.\n It corresponds to the annualised effective compounded return rate of\n the money invested by the investor in the project","":"Cash-on-cash corresponds to the multiple earned over\n the investment during the investment period","":"The Vacancy rate is the percentage of time when the\n property will not have a tenant","":"People contributing to the \n luxembourgish healthcare system have to pay the Contribution assurance\n d\u00e9pendance","":"Kitchen and cupboards related\n expenses will be due after construction, in year 2","":"Your rental income, excluding the one from property you wish to \n finance","globalEvolution":"Country average","information":"Characteristics","informationSummary":"%numberOfCharacteristics% characteristics","location":"Location","market.apartment":"Transactions history","":"Apartment transactions history","adjustments":"Impacting elements","Luxembourg.marketChart":"Lux. city","propertyEvolution":"This property","neighborhood":"Neighbourhood","calm":"Quietness","calm.values.calm":"Quiet","":"Impactful elements: planes, trains, car traffic, schools, \n economic activity, bars and restaurants","":"Consider the environment here, a five \n minutes walk to reach a bus line would be considered \"Very distant\" in \n Luxembourg City, whereas it would be considered \"Standard\" or \"Nearby\" \n in a more rural area","homeAppraisalPrecisionLabel":"Want to refine your result?","callToActionLabel.quick":"This is just a quick<\/span> valuation, this\n result could lack precision<\/span>.","callToActionEditLabel":"We can give you a \n more precise<\/span> online \n valuation but we would need ten extra information.","callToActionEditButton":"Refine with 10 extra criteria","totalInterests":"Interests","whatToEstimate":"Simulate","":"This amount corresponds to the stamp duty\n (registration + inscription), notary fees and other ancillary charges\n and taxes directly related to the mortgage contracted for this home\n acquisition. Nexfin is a free service and does not\n incur any cost<\/span>","insuranceAnnualPaymentsTotal":"Mortgage insurance","insuranceOneOffPayment":"Mortgage insurance","":"Penalty charged for the interruption of a fixed rate \n loan","":"Charges related to the subscription and\n potentially the opening of the home saving scheme loan","constructionYear":"Building completion year","":"This is the completion date of your property","":"This is the completion date of your property","contactPurpose":"Why do you need us?","contactPurpose.values.needFinancing":"I have signed a property","message":"Any message for us?","financingProjectType":"Project type","currentFinancingType":"Type","currentFinancingRate":"Rate","currentFinancingInitialDuration":"Initial duration","currentFinancingRemainingPrincipal":"Remaining principal","currentFinancingSignatureYear":"Signature year","advisor":"Adviser","calendarDay":"Day","calendarAddress":"Address","affordabilityModelPurpose":"I wish to","estimatedMonthlyRent":"Estimated rent","postMortgageRemainingIncome":"Remaining income","riskMetricsWarning.capacity":"Considering your\n situation, a lender would require a remaining income of\n %minimumMonthlyNetIncome%<\/span> after the payment\n of your debt charges, including a potential mortgage. To achieve this,\n you would need an income\n %recommendedMonthlyIncome%<\/span>. By using\n your down payment only, you could afford a property of\n %recommendedHomePriceWithoutMortgage%<\/span>.","affordabilityRiskMetricsWarningEditFormButton":"Edit my information","affordabilityResultPreviewWarningLabel":"It would be hard for you to get a financing for this project","authenticationFormLabel":"

We don't think passwords are convenient,\n we use the same everywhere, we never remember them and we end up using\n the email anyway.<\/p>\n

We just send you a secured link, valid for ten \n minutes, you click and you are in.<\/p>","authenticationFormStatusMessageSuccess":"We sent you an email. Yes, it is that fast!","authenticationFormStatusMessageError":"An error occurred, sorry for that, please reach out tell us about \n this!","messagesViewStyleToggle.short":"Show the other\n %missingMessagesCount% information messages","messagesViewStyleToggle.full":"Hide","copySimulationLink":"Copy link","simulationLinkHasBeenCopied":"Link copied!","phoneRedirection":"Agency phone number redirection","phoneRedirectionLastUpdatedAtTemplate":"Last update on the %date%","phoneRedirectionLastUpdatedAtTemplate.byUser":"Last update by %userEmail% on the %date%","phoneRedirectionNextContactToEnable":"Next contact to be enabled: %firstName%<\/span>","phoneRedirectionInformationTemplate":"Phone redirection is in effect from Monday to Friday, from %openingHour%h to %closingHour%h","phoneEvents":"Phone events","transferredToTemplate":"Transferred to %teamMemberFirstName%","voicemail.phoneEvent":"Voicemail","incomingCall.phoneEvent":"Incoming call","preferredCommunicationLanguage.english.phoneEvent":"\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7","preferredCommunicationLanguage.french.phoneEvent":"\ud83c\uddeb\ud83c\uddf7","preferredCommunicationLanguage.luxembourgish.phoneEvent":"\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddfa","preferredCommunicationLanguage.german.phoneEvent":"\ud83c\udde9\ud83c\uddea","preferredCommunicationLanguage.portuguese.phoneEvent":"\ud83c\uddf5\ud83c\uddf9","preferredCommunicationLanguage.italian.phoneEvent":"\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf9","preferredCommunicationLanguage.spanish.phoneEvent":"\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddf8","preferredCommunicationLanguage.romanian.phoneEvent":"\ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\uddf4","preferredCommunicationLanguage.turkish.phoneEvent":"\ud83c\uddf9\ud83c\uddf7","rangeInputLabel.minBoundary":"From","rangeInputLabel.maxBoundary":"to","":"From","":"to","clearFilters.confirmMessage":"You are about to clear all the filters, are you sure?","areaSurfaceRange":"Area surface","appraisalHomeTypeSelect":"Home type","preventExportMessage.default":"Export is disabled","totalRetrievedItems.singular":"Selected 1 item","totalRetrievedItems.plural":"Selected %total% items","sizeFormat.values.b":"B","sizeFormat.values.kb":"KB","sizeFormat.values.mb":"MB","":"GB","dragAndDropInput":"Drag & drop files, or browse<\/span>","file.pending":"Generating","file.pendingDeletion":"Deleting","file.processing":"Generating","file.expired":"Generation timed out","file.error":"An error occurred","file.processed":"No thumbnail available","sanityChecksLabel":"It seems that some of your inputs are outside of the norm:","numberOfBedroomPerSquareMeterError.low":"The %numberOfBedrooms% seems low, considering the property's %areaSurface%.","numberOfBedroomPerSquareMeterError.high":"The %numberOfBedrooms% seems high, considering the property's %areaSurface%.","numberOfBathroomsToNumberOfBedroomsError":"The %numberOfBathrooms% seems high considering the %numberOfBedrooms%.","exteriorAreaSurfaceToAreaSurfaceRatioError":"The %balconyAreaSurface% and %terraceAreaSurface% seem important considering the %areaSurface% of the property.","floorToNumberOfFloorsInBuildingError":"The %floor% is higher than the %numberOfFloorsInBuilding%. Please update your input.","numberOfLivingSpaces.sanityCheck":"Living space story","parcelSurfaceToAverageLivingAreaSurfaceError":"The average %numberOfLivingSpaces% %areaSurface% seems high considering the %parcelSurface%.","energeticPerformanceToConstructionYearError":"The %classOfEnergeticPerformance% seems low, considering the %constructionYear%.","forwardTo.development":"Forward to development","forwardTo.staging":"Forward to staging","forwardTo.production":"Forward to production","locale":"en","preferredCommunicationLanguage.default":"english","sqm":"sqm","quarterTag":"Q","month":"month","emptyList":"Nothing to show here yet","requestError":"An error occurred during the loading. Try refreshing the page."}