This long stripped valley organised along Rollingergrund street has many hidden gems, either in terms of architecture or access to the forest and great sport facilites. This residential area offers several dining and drinking options that allows a village feel. The Kids' park in Bambësch will please the youngests while the olders can enjoy playing tennis or savour sushis in Spora.
Neighbourhood tags/ Green / Cosmopolitan / Bambësch / Tennis Club / Forest / Kids / Spora / Hiking / Trails / Valley / Villeroy & Boch Castle / Young / Residential / Busy / Dining & Drinking Options /
Schools (on atSchool.lu)- 7 crèches (Muhlenbach)
- 2 primary schools (Muhlenbach)
- 1 secondary schools (Muhlenbach)
A busy residential neigbourhood with easy access to Ville-Haute.
Family walks and sports with friends at weekends in the large Bambësch forest.
Old townhouses plus some cool architect houses overlooking the valley. Increasing blocks of modern appartments.