An indicative value of my apartment or my house in a few minutes.
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Data source
Our online home valuation tool uses the historic and latest available data published by the Governmental Statistic Office of Luxembourg (STATEC) and the Luxembourg Housing Observatory (Observatoire de l’Habitat).
The primary data used for our online home valuation are those obtained from the public notaries registering actual property sale prices. As such our online valuation gives you an indication of the Fair Market Value of your home (i.e. an estimate of the market value of your property, based on what a knowledgeable, willing and unpressured buyer would probably pay to a knowledgeable, willing and unpressured seller in the market).
All other data published by STATEC and Observatoire de l’Habitat (from their various and historic publications) have been used as secondary data to construct our valuation model for both houses and apartments. Our model is updated as soon as new data are available.
Our online home valuation tool is based on the Market Approach and evaluates your home based on the latest available Transactions in Luxembourg.
We use the data derived from the latest Transactions to evaluate your home based on two sets of characteristics:
- the location of your home
- the specific characteristics of your home
For the location of your home, our evaluator considers its address, neighbourhood, environment and proximity to public transports.
For the specific characteristics of your home, our evaluator considers its quality, surface area, floor(s), number of rooms and bathrooms, number of indoor and outdoor parking slots and many other characteristics affecting the value of your home.
The discounts and premiums calculated to evaluate your home based on its characteristics are based on data that are specific to Luxembourg and on analyses conducted by our expert team.